
Tuesday 6 November 2012

Have Smartphones Killed Boredom? (and is that good) ?

Odds are, a huge chunk of them are staring down into a glowing mobile device- passing time by checking on friends, catching u on texts or e-mail or playing a video game that would have required a PC or home console just few years ago.

Going a day without cellphone?

Thanks to technology, there's been a recent sea change in how people today kill time. Those dog-eared magazines in your doctor's office are going unread. Your fellow customers in line at the deli counter are being ignored. And simply gazing around at one's surroundings? Forget about it!

Between smartphones, tablets and e-readers, we're becoming a society that's ready to kill even a few seconds of boredom with a tap on a touchscreen.

Smartphone ownership in the United States, and elsewhere, hit a tipping point in 2012. More people now own a smartphone in the United States than own a traditional cellphone, according to a survey from the Pew Internet & American Life project.

Is it a boredom killer? Absolute, it is !

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