
Sunday 16 December 2012

What should you do before exam?

You've done the studying, but you're still jittery. Nervousness can potentially distract you prior to — and even during — a test. What can you do to ensure that you're confident when you sit down and raise your pencil? 

- Create a study or revision plan / timetable. Revision timetables are great because they create a sense of order into what can otherwise feel like a huge ball of chaos. By creating a study plan you will be able to work logically through each of the subjects that you need to revise. This will refresh your memory of the earlier modules that you have taken, and will allow you to really understand the workload ahead of you. In addition, a study or revision timetable allows you to evenly space out each subject area that needs to be revised; you can work out how many modules or subject areas you need to revise or study, then see how many hours worth of available revision time you have, and then finally determine exactly how many hours can be allocated to each module that needs to be revised.

- Complete past exam papers. This is perhaps the best way to revise a subject area. It gets you into the habit of actually answering a set question as opposed to regurgitating everything you know about a particular subject area, and it gives you a feel for the sort of questions the examiners are likely to set.

- Plan some relaxation time into your day. No one works at their best if they don't have an opportunity to take frequent breaks from the task in hand. Whilst it might feel as if you are losing valuable revision time by spending 30 minutes watching the television, that break in your concentration will give your brain a chance to relax, so it will be much more focused when your next revision sessions arrives.

- Talk to other peopleIf you are stressed, tell others that this is how you are feeling. Often a fear or concern you hold is much worse when you keep it all to yourself. Share your concerns and you'll find that you ultimately feel much better and much more positive about the entire situation.

- Don't lose your confidence. Believe in yourself and in your abilities and all will be fine.

Thursday 13 December 2012

How to on your study mood.

Exam is around the corner! I think everyone should be haven't prepare to sit in exam and facing a terrible problem, that is NO STUDY MOOD !This is a common problem among students because if they failed to review or do their homework, they will probably obtain low grade the following day in their class that can affect their final grades.

So it is important for students to know how to get in the mood to study.

Here I am to share tips on getting in the mood of study. 

Relax and eat something you likebefore doing the things that you really don’t feel like doing today, why not relax a bit by doing some breathing exercises? Look for something green like trees, plants or even a nature inspired painting to lift your sluggishness. Then after that, eat a light snack or eat something that you like: ice cream or a chocolate bar or your favorite fruits.
Be optimistic and prioritize Don’t worry that you can not finish all your loads today. Instead, focus your effort in the stuffs that you need to accomplish first—those that you need to finish today for your tomorrow’s classes. And if you have extra time later, do the next important thing.

When you have to study, even the ceiling looks more interesting. 

Thursday 6 December 2012

Retirement isn't always fun!

A person who was retired a few months ago. Before he retired, he was so excited. He was really looking forward to it... But retirement isn't always fun.

Sometimes, it can be lonely. This man has all this free time now, and he doesn't know what to do with it. No job to go in the morning. No kids to play with in the evening, and nothing much else to do in between. He's alwaysbeen such a lovely, kind, sociable man.

But... recently... he's ...quiet, pessimistic, maybe even depressed.

So, retirement isn't always fun. Maybe a retirement is fun of some people, maybe it is not for another group of people.

Plan what u have to do before you are retire.....

Karnival Pesta Tanglung UKM (PTUKM)

1 & 2 Desember, PTUKM was organized a carnival in SJK(C) Sg. Chua. I was a AJK in Publicity group. I was enjoyed during this event because gained a new experience. First in my life, I going to distribute flyers in public area, promoted the drama of PTUKM on 13 Desember 2012 and so on.

During the carnival, there were a lot of stalls.... sushi, asam laksa, cookies, "uncle bob". That was really full of fun. On the other hand, there were some stage performance which is very splendidness.

This is the photo of my Publicity family. We captured it during preparation for the night of carnival. But our family member was not complete

This is the photo after the carnival.

P/S: family member not complete too.