
Tuesday 23 October 2012


Renewable energy sources provide energy without dependence on limited resources such as fossil fuels. These sources of energy can be used to augment existing power supplies, as well as to phase out the use of fossil fuel-based power plants. They are also used in other applications, such as heating and powering small electronics.

Electrical Infrastructure

Photovoltaic solar arrays, hydroelectric generators, wind turbines, tidal barrages and geothermal water or steam wells are all capable of contributing electricity to the power grids that power homes and businesses. Individual homes and businesses may also employ renewable energy systems to provide some or all of their electrical needs. Some businesses, such as Wal-Mart, are adopting technologies with the eventual goal of powering their stores on 100 percent renewable energy. This practice both saves the business money in heating and power expenses and extends the retailer’s appeal to green-minded consumers who might otherwise not have patronized their stores.


Solar energy is also used, either through solar thermal panels or in passive solar energy systems, to supplement or replace heating systems based on nonrenewable resources such as oil and natural gas. Geothermal heating systems are used to circulate air from below the Earth's surface, where temperatures are more mild and consistent, into homes and other buildings. Thermal biomass heating systems, such as wood and pellet burning stoves, also employ renewable resources to provide heat. Other renewable energy sources, which include wind, tidal, hydroelectric and geothermal generators, can provide electricity to power electric heaters.

Personal Electronics

Solar-powered personal electronics have been around for decades. Handheld calculators powered by integrated solar panels are one common occurrence of solar-powered personal electronics. Personal electronics manufacturer Apple Computers have also filed patents for touch sensor integrated panels, which could be used to power many of their portable computing products, according to the website Patently Apple. Personal, portable solar chargers such as those designed by Solio are also used to recharge the batteries on devices such as phones, personal media players and handheld computers.

Reduction of Pollution and Conservation of Resources

The main impetus behind adoption of renewable energy models is environmental. By substituting renewable sources for fossil fuel-based forms of energy, power suppliers can reduce or eliminate harmful emissions from power plants and vehicles that run on petroleum. Reducing the use of fossil fuel sources for energy also makes these resources more readily available for other applications, such as plastics, medicine, fabric and building materials.

Environmental and Human Safety

By reducing the need for oil and other fossil fuels, power providers also lessen the danger of potential future disasters associated with the use of nonrenewable resources, such as the Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez oil spills, the Three Mile Island partial meltdown and the Upper Big Branch coal mine explosion in Montcoal, West Virginia.

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